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DECORLUX.IT undertakes to make its website accessible, in accordance with the law art. 2, paragraph a, Law 4/2004
This accessibility statement applies to

Compliance status

This website partially complies with the requirements set out in Appendix A of the UNI CEI EN 301549 standard due to the cases of non-compliance listed below, in the "Non-accessible contents" section.

Content not accessible

The contents listed below are not accessible due to partial failure or incomplete compliance with the provisions of Appendix A of the UNI CEI EN 301549 standard, referred to in the Guidelines on the Accessibility of IT tools of 04/26/2022, in turn referred to by law 9 January 2004, n. 4 and subsequent amendments:

  • Not all H1 titles provide information to blind users using screen-readers about what the main topic of the page is

  • Not all elements that appear visually as titles but are encoded as non-heading HTML tags include the "role" attribute equal to "heading" or have the correct tags

  • Not all images have an alternative text description that describes both the objects and the embedded text using the “alt” attribute

  • Not all search forms include the “role” attribute equal to “search”

An accessibility plan for this website has been initiated by the provider, which provides for the achievement of full accessibility of all its contents (including the non-accessible contents indicated above). Once the aforementioned accessibility plan has been finalized, this accessibility declaration will be updated and modified at the same time

Drafting of the accessibility declaration

This declaration was drawn up on 10/19/2023, through a self-assessment carried out directly by the provider; the date of the last update is 10/19/2023.

Method of sending reports and contact details of the provider

To send reports on cases of non-compliance with accessibility requirements, write to the email

It is necessary to indicate in the email

  • name and surname

  • email address

  • URL of the web page or sections of the app being reported

  • clear and concise description of the problem encountered

  • tools used (operating system, browser, assistive technologies)

The person responsible for reports sent by the user can be contacted via the following

Method of sending reports to AgID

In the event of an unsatisfactory response or failure to respond within thirty days to the notification or request, the interested party may submit a report using the following link:

Information on the site

  1. The website publication date: 10/19/2023

  2. Were usability tests carried out: yes

  3. CMS used for the website: WIX.COM

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